SANCHETNA, a vision of AWARENESS FOR SELF EFFECTIVENESS is a Charitable Trust created exclusively for public charitable, educational, cultural, environmental, social, spiritual, philanthropic and scientific activities The mission of the trust is to inculcate a sense of brotherhood so as to serve humanity and to ensure equality, protect the interests of children/teenagers girl child and to strengthen implementation of CARE AND PROTECTION OF CHILDREN ACT, 2000,to undertake the acts of dissemination of knowledge and to uphold the maxim “DO NOT SUFFER AND DIE BECAUSE OF IGNORANCE” and also to undertake programmes/activities for prevention of loss, keeping in mind that “PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE”
SANCHETNA established on 25th September 2007 ,is a Charitable Trust created exclusively for public charitable, educational, cultural, environmental, social, spiritual, philanthropic and scientific activities.
To undertake programmes for the upliftment and protection of the weaker section of the society, needy, victims of calamities by society and/or nature, neglected children/teenagers, also provide career and psychological, health counseling in govt, slum and village school children.
TRUST was registered on 25-09-2007 vide document/Vasika No. 12367 in the office of Sub Registrar Faridabad PAN AAGTS9920H The trust has been registered Order under section 12AA (1) (b)(i) of the I T Act 1961 vide file No. CIT/FBD/Tech./07-08 /12A/99/2/ dated 25-04-2008 Sr No. 568 order dated 24-04-2008 and also has exemption Order u/s 80G(5)of the income tax act 1961 read with rule 11AA(4) of the Income tax
rules 1962 File No. CIT/FBD/Tech /80G/2011-12/5/36/3829 Order dated 05-10-2011 exemption vide Sr. No. 36 duly signed by the office of Commissioner of Income Tax Faridabad
to inculcate a sense of brotherhood so as to serve humanity and to ensure equality, protect the interests of children, unfolding and developing individuals to realize their true potential and sense of self worth.
- To inculcate a sense of brotherhood so as to serve humanity and to ensure equality
- To undertake the acts of dissemination of knowledge and to uphold the maxim “DO NOT SUFFER AND DIE BECAUSE OF IGNORANCE”.
- To strive for protection of environment.
- To promote a sense of compassion for living creatures.
- To undertake greening programmers and to encourage social forestry.
- To undertake programmes/activities for prevention of loss (es), keeping in mind that “PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE”.
- To work for conservation of Natural Resources, Rain Water Harvesting etc.
- To prevent the society especially, the members of the younger generation (both males and females) from drug abuse/addiction, pollution of human/moral values and exploitations.
- To undertake programmes for the upliftment and protection of the weaker section of the society, needy, victims of clamities by society and/or nature, neglected children/teenagers, especially old persons and those in distress.
- To do anything, educate, protect, save and to rescue the persons with disabilities of all forms and/or any type. To work for strengthening (uplifting) of the PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (EUAL OPPORTUNITIES, PROTECTION OF RIGHTS AND FULL PARTICIPATION) ACT, 1995 (No. 1 of 1996). THE NATIONAL TRUST FOR WELFARE OF PERSONS WITH AUTISM, CEREBRAL PALSY, MENTAL RETARDATION AND MULTIPLE DISABILITIES ACT, 1999 (No. 44 of 1999) and other related status/legislations etc. herein mentioned or not and those to be provided (the Legislations, the Act/Acts) in future.
- To do everything and anything to protect the interests of children/teenagers girl child and to strengthen implementation of CARE AND PROTECTION OD CHILDREN ACT, 2000 and other related laws herein mentioned or not and to be provided (Legislations/Acts) in future.
- To do anything and everything to protect the interests of the aged (senior citizen), betterment of their lives, to strengthen implementation of the concerned legislations, in this respect. To undertake responsibilities to work as attorney / executor of WILL (S) made by the aged and others
- To educate and protect the consumer in accordance with the provisions of the CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT, 1986 and other related statues / Legislations etc. provided in the Act / Acts and to be provided in future.
- To undertake or promote programmes of action, research, pertaining to the life and problems of the persons with disabilities aged, younger generation, girl child and those in distress and to formulate short and long range development plans conducive for the achievements of the objectives.
- To create public awareness programmes which will build better understanding and acceptance of the projects undertaken by the TRUST.
- To construct manage Orphanages Nariniketans, Homes for neglected / street women / children, aged persons with disabilities-cum-Relief Centers for persons in distress. To protect them under concerned laws.
- To establish centers for learning, research, libraries, dispensation of health care including Physical medicine, rehabilitations, counseling regarding all matters relating to the (all) problems of human life. Particular attention shall be given for prevention of breaking of families.
- To cooperate / associate with all other or organizations/societies works/activities which are committed to the improvement of the lives of persons with disabilities, aged, children and those in distress.
- To undertake activities, including advocacy with, for and by the disadvantaged people.
- To create public awareness programmes this will build up better understanding and acceptance of the projects / programmes undertaken by the TRUST. To hold, participate in seminars, workshops, conducting training and orientation programmes. Also to exchange information and experience facilitating achievements of the objectives of the TRUST.
- To add new objectives and undertake activities as implied / desired and in accordance with intent of all / any law(s) meant to ameliorate the sufferings of humanity which could not be foreseen at the time of establishing this trust by the board of Trustees.
- To establish centers for enhancement of vocational capabilities, training of suitable / desired / required manpower and to do all such other things as are cognate to the achievements of conductive to the attainment of the objectives of the TRUST effectively.
- To work for, educate / help members or the public to get the benefits of the right to INFORMATION ACT, 2005
- To work for disaster Manage management in its locality.

- Provide a judiciously mix of inputs to the learner leaders through sensitization, reflection , introspection leading to an insight into their role , capacity building through discussions and activities , evolving creative practices for effective Institutional Management.Trust on strengthen and stress upon the main attributes of teaching profession such as systemic theory , ethical code and culture , generating knowledge through research and innovation.
- To provide total solution in the areas of Counselling , career guidance , personality Development and workshop training programmes for students , parents .To deliver School based services that improve student performance , promote mental health and enhance educational success.
- To undertake Community Development with particular focus on women, children, youth ,disabled and aged persons. To explore and work in various domains of community development such as Health , Education and peripheral development, vocational training

( NCLP) a project of Ministry of Labour , run in Faridabad .As per the survey done by Sanchetna an NGO there are 4335 Child Labourers( Beggars ,Brick Kilns, rag pickers , domestic servants, Fruit seller , vegetable vender, cobbler etc) in Faridabad. Under NCLP 40 Schools with 2000 NCLP Society started children under the age group of 9-14 yrs for Child Labourers with the support of 11 NGO’s in April 2008. These Schools are providing free Eduactional, Vocational Training, Life Skill Education , Moral Education to streamline them into formal schools by initial transitional support , counseling and rehabilitating them and giving them comfort after getting rescued from the labour force, especially in the case of those children under trauma or children working as migrant labour.
World Day against child labour is an international assigned date for mass awareness for abolishing child labour in the world. The day is celebrated on the direction and guidance of the national commission for protection of Child rights.
The Celebration will be inaugurated by Deputy commissioner , Faridabad who is also the Chairman of NCLP.The Day will be celebrated with 400-500 children of NCLP project , Govt Officers , Public sector institutions, Resident Welfare Associations , representatives of Industries , Faridabad Association , Trade Unions , General Public. Report on NCLP project and documentary on the schools run , cultural programs by the children of NCLP Schools and enforcement of the National Child Labour policy and its implementation by Industry and trade union offices.