Training Programs


“A Path towards success
through self enhancement”


Changes in the global environment are radical and far-reaching and the capacity to learn faster is the only source for sustaining competitive advantage.

The dictum, “Know thyself, own change thyself” has become the cornerstone of managerial effectiveness. Learning implies awareness of the job, one’s current position, personal strengths and limitations, and development needs. Knowing oneself is not enough. Learning about self must be translated into action for change. Consequently, change in self leads to managing the external reality.Managers need to continuously upgrade their knowledge and skills in technical, environmental and leadership areas. They need to examine their values , style and typical behaviours and assess the extent to which these are facilitating them both in their professional lives and personal lives.This programme aims to enhance self effectiveness through better management of self. It would facilitate to gain insight into themselves and develop action for enhancing interpersonal and managerial effectiveness.

Programme content

  • Knowing your actual Self with Self Assessment Exercise.
  • Goal Orientation & Time Management
  • Generating Group Synergy: Creativity and Problem Solving
  • Effective Communication with Positive attitude
  • Managing Interpersonal Conflicts
  • Exploring you Personality Exercise
  • Team roles and their implications
  • Handling Stress
  • Personal Effectiveness Exercises

Training Programs

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